[UPDATED] PWMA Webinar: {event_topic} on {event_date_full} – Post Webinar Quiz

Note: Kindly note that there is a typo in the previous email. 1 OPT hour on Ethics and Compliance will be offered upon passing the quiz (NOT 2 OPT hours on Ethics and Compliance).

Dear Attendees,

Thank you very much for joining us at the webinar: {event_topic} on {event_date_full}.

Should you wish to get 1 OPT hour of Ethics and Compliance from taking part in this webinar, please take the post-webinar quiz here. Please note the quiz will be closed at 6pm on {quiz_participates_end_date} (Hong Kong time).


  • Please make sure your details are entered correctly in the form at the beginning of the quiz.
  • The passing mark of the quiz is {quiz_passing_score_percent}% (i.e. to answer {quiz_passing_score} questions correctly out of {quiz_number_of_questions}).
  • Each attendee will have a maximum of {quiz_max_attempts} attempts for the quiz.
  • You will be notified of your quiz result (pass/fail) on your screen after you submit your answers. If you do not pass the quiz in the 1st and 2nd attempt, please click the button “Retake Quiz” to retry.
  • If you pass the quiz, you will receive an email from us for your OPT record in 1 week after the quiz closing date. However, if you do not pass the quiz within {quiz_max_attempts} attempts, no OPT hour will be granted to you for this webinar.
  • If your firm’s network blocks the link to the quiz, kindly take the quiz outside your firm’s network.

Please contact us at pwmaevent@pwma.org.hk should you have any queries. Thank you.

Private Wealth Management Association