{event_post_title} on {event_date} – OPT Confirmation

Dear {member_full_name},

We are pleased to confirm that you attended the following event on {event_date} from {event_start_time} to {event_end_time}.

Name of Institution: {member_firm}
CPWP No.: {member_cpwp_number}
Name of Participant: {member_full_name}

Session: {event_post_title}
Date and Time: {event_date} from {event_start_time} to {event_end_time}
Topic and Content:

Tool: In-person event
OPT: {event_opt_type} {event_opt_hours} hour(s)

Thank you for your support. We look forward to having you join our future sessions! Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact pwmaevent@pwma.org.hk.

Kind regards,
Private Wealth Management Association